The technique of Hazard and Operability Studies, or in more common terms HAZOP, has
been used and developed over approximately four decades for “ Identifying potential hazards and operability problems” caused by deviations from the design intent of both new and existing process plants.
HAZOP is an abbreviated term for HAZard and OPerability study. It is a technique that
identifies the potential hazards and operating issues with the design and construction of equipment and plant and involves the interaction of a multi-disciplinary team.
This course covers the explanation of the HAZOP techniques and how to apply such
techniques in the process safety.
Who to Attend:
Production Managers
Safety Engineers & Safety Managers & Safety Offcers
Maintenance Engineers
Operations Personnel
Process Engineers
Instrumentations Engineers
Fire Personnel
To be familiar with HAZOP Techniques.
To act as a member of a HAZOP Team.
To be able to carry out HAZOP Studies.
Duration of the Course:
The course will be conducted during Five days.
Course Outlines: Day One:
Examples of Major Disaster accidents
Hazardous Materials (Flammable & Combustible Substances).
Hazardous Areas:
– IEC Standards
– ATEX Directive (EC)
Process Safety Management (PSM – OSHA)
Group Workshop
Day Two:
Hazard Identification
Introduction to HAZOP/Need for HAZOP/What are HAZOPS?
Components of HAZOP
Standard Guide Words
Intention, Parameters, and Deviation
Preparation for carrying out HAZOP/HAZOP Team
Group Workshop
Day Three:
Applying HAZOP
HAZOP Examples
HAZOP Results/Recordkeeping
Group WorkShop
Day Four:
HAZOP Examples
HAZOP Application
Process Hazard Analysis
FMEA & Fault Tree
Group Workshop
Day Five:
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
Safety Integrated Levels (SIL)
Group Workshop
Final Exam.
from The National Training Services – UK.