Who Should Attend?
Employees who may be part of a first response teams or have responsibility for fire
Course Outlines
Fire Risk Assessment
Extinguishers Testing and Rating (UL, CE, etc.).
Distribution of Fire Extinguishers/Extinguisher per Square Feet or Square Meters.
Inspection & Maintenance, Re-Filling etc.
Smoke & Heat Detectors
Flame & Gas Detectors
Different Types of Fire Detection (Conventional, Addressable, Etc. Inspection Procedures, Intervals, Reporting etc.
Different Types of Sprinkler Systems
Hydraulic Calculations Water Demands Inspection
Space to be protected
Calculating the Exact Quantity of the Fire Extinguishing agents. Inspection
Hydrants, etc.).
Main Water Rings (Loop System, Isolating Valves, Etc.
Fire Pumps (Jockey Pumps, Main Pumps, Weekly Inspection Procedures etc. Risers, Dry and Wet
Hose Reels, Fire Hydrants
Inspection Procedures of All Fire Fighting Equipment & Systems. (According to NFPA).
Recording the Inspection Findings in Special Forms
Fire Emergency Plans Training of Personnel Fire Drills