
4 new/revised OSHA regs in first 4 months of 2016?

Time is running out for OSHA under the Obama administration to complete some of its regulatory priorities. If OSHA stays on track, some new and revised regs could debut early in 2016.  OSHA’s fall regulatory agenda lists potential new Final Rules in these areas: Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica (February 2016): Under the proposal, workers’ exposures […]

high death rates

Top 10 jobs with high death rates

Just how dangerous are the jobs at your company? The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has just released its preliminary count of workplace fatalities for 2010. The average rate of fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers is 3.5. Keeping that in mind, here are the top 10 occupations with the highest fatality rates: fishers and […]

Protecting the Safety and Health of Poultry-Processing Workers

Protecting the Safety and Health of Poultry-Processing Workers

Filed in Safety, Workplace Rights By Dr. David Michaels  For some workers, a simple trip to the bathroom could result in the loss of a job. Poultry-processing workers are sometimes disciplined for taking bathroom breaks while at work because there is no one available to fill in for them if they step away from the […]